Nano Medic Care

Competitive Price, Full Function, High Profit DR System.


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Are you worried about upgrading your worn-out, crappy computerized and analog radiography systems? 

Do you have nightmares and sleepless nights over the exorbitant cost the upgradation will add to your hospital budget? 

Profile picture for WDM Radiology.

Never fret! WDM presents Price-Budget DR systems to uplift your hospital revenue.

WDM introduces Absolutely Competitive Priced and Top-notch Quality Retrofit Upgradation. WDM’s Fully Digital Radiography (DR) System is Budget-Friendly, Powerful, Reliable, Efficient, and gives Full Function.

The Case against Branded, High-Cost Medical Equipment

A big branded item will cost you a hefty fortune, and you will find tough to explain it to the hospital management without receiving a snub? 

Despite knowing the price of the item is colossal, you buy that because your brain is hard-wired to hand over money to brands at the cost of contracting your hospital revenue. 

Brands cash in on the investment they make on branding their item. However, sometimes there are some legitimate quality concerns when you buy low-priced items.

A hand is carefully pouring water on a seedling in the context of WDM Radiology.

A Gigantic Tree Was Once a Seed

The fascinating journey of a majestic tree starts from a nail-sized beautiful seed, which has everything to grow into a giant tree but still cannot budge without Mother Nature’s support. Nature puts its trust in the seed by injecting it with water, energy, and providing shelter, and changes its life forever.


WDM deliver the Finest Quality Product

Big brands have soaring prices because they are bound to sell at industry-preferred prices. As a procurement in-charge of your hospital, the thought of buying low-priced brand equipment might cross your brain but your legs become jelly on the fear of getting cheap quality products in return.

However, the fact is that emerging brands are more afraid than you are because each bad customer review would suck the life out of those companies. 

WDM values and thrives on your testimonial that’s why we deliver the Finest Quality Product. Put your trust in us just like Mother Nature puts its trust in the seed

A graph displaying the growth of WDM Radiology with a rising arrow in the background.

What are the Advantages of Digital Radiography?

Digital radiography offer many advantages to the non-destructive testing community, including:

DICOM 3.0 compliance

NEW ORIENTAL 1000 is DICOM 3.0 compliance that means you can benefit from all relevant DICOM services, including DICOM worklist, image storage, printing and other functions that will significantly improve your workflow.

Our products are FDA approved and CE certified, as well as HIS and RIS system compliance. Our manufacturer has accreditations such as ISO9001-2015 and ISO13485.

A man in a lab coat demonstrating digital radiography on a tablet with icons.


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Compare the Difference

Comparison Image of CR12bits & DR 14 bits
  • Investment & CostsInvestment & Costs
  • InstallationsInstallations
  • Dose (DQE)Dose (DQE)
  • Labor-intensiveLabor-intensive
  • Image QualityImage Quality
  • SpeedSpeed
  • StorageStorage
  • DurabilityDurability
  • Work LoadWork Load
  • Computed Radiography (CR) X-ray

  • Comparison

  • Investment & CostsLower initial investment, more requirement for maintenance. 3 year ownership cost of CR is very expensive considering the following:

    - IP Plates recurring cost
    - Service Cost of the CR reader
    - Work flow inefficiencies
    - Higher dose required

  • InstallationsCan be retrofitted to existing installations
  • Dose (DQE)DQE is better than Film but lower than DR. With time the IP plate tends to deteriorate, by which the dosehas to be increased to geta diagnosable quality image.
  • Labor-intensiveLabor-intensive due to need for cassette transfer to plate reader
  • Image QualityImage can be digitized but at much lower resolution. Similar to quality of DR at high-dose levels and can degrade in the time it takes to process the cassette.

    12 bit Gray Scale definition
    (only 4000 shades of Gray)
  • SpeedOnce the image is captured, it has to be scanned, in CR reader, so the average time is more than 3 minutes. Additional steps to obtain the image.
  • StorageDigitized image storage is more space efficient than film
  • DurabilityImage Plate deteriorates with time thus quality of the image also decreases with usage

    - Every 6 to 8 months new IP plates have to be purchased (depends on usage)

  • Work LoadManual Driven with IP plates need to be physically carried and scanned to get the image.
  • Digital Radiography (DR) X-ray

  • Comparison

  • Investment & CostsHigher Initial Investmen, less requirement for maintenance. 3 Years ownership cost of DR achieves optimum return on investment in addition to:

    - Better image at lower dose.
    - Less RT Labor.
    - Higher productivity

  • InstallationsAll new setup necessary
  • Dose (DQE)Flat panel detectors allow low dose. DR outperforms CR both in DQE. Some research shows that Dose can be reduced as much as 50%
  • Labor-intensiveCompletely digitized setup
  • Image QualityHigh-quality digital image. Better image quality with respect to contrast and detail detectability.

    14bit Gray Scale Definition
    (16,000 Shades of Gray)
  • SpeedImage is immediately displayed within 10 seconds. Faster throughput and save more resources.
  • StorageEasy storage and instant access to archive images
  • DurabilityOver 1 million exposures
  • Work LoadThe workflow of DR achieves complete automation. Higher patient turnaround time.

Digital Radiography Applications

As with all NDT processes, digital radiography as numerous applications, including:

WDM’s DR systems give you full operational capacity without exhausting your budget and slumping your hospital’s profits. However, the Super Discount Offer is for Limited Time Only on our Fully Digital Radiography & DR Retrofit systems. Book your product before the price shoots up.

Upgrade with WDM’s Price-Budget and High-Tech Fully Digital Radiography (DR) X-ray Systems

Our Fully Digital Radiography system comes with a Flat Panel Detector and an Imaging Software. Its fast installation and software training add up to easy setup.

Digital Radiography cuts down exposure time. Analysis tools and defect recognition software boost diagnosis accuracy. You will save more time due to reduced inspection period because there is no chemical processing of the film.

Elimination of chemical processing is safer for the environment as well. Good for the soft image of your hospital!

Why WDM’s Fully Digital Radiography System?

  • WDM offers a valuable return on investment option with High Quality 16 bit Gray Scale Definition images. Now doctors will never miss out the slightest details of the patient.
  • 8 seconds Lightening Fast Image Display saves more resources.
  • Cloud storage and instant storage access offer faster operational capability.
  • The workflow of DR achieves complete automation, which gives you a higher patient turnaround time.


A yellow and black logo with the words 100% satisfaction for ZSR Event

The Result Of All The Speed Is Enormous Expansion In Business.

WDM adds more value to your money by offering all the major features you seek out like Anatomic Program Radiography (APR), Fast Position Switch, High Acquisition Speed, Safer Protection System and Exclusive Patent Technology – InvaRay. You can view the image from computer at site or from other locations, and even print it as needed.

Fully Digital Radiography System has Five-axis Electric Control, which gives your machine safety from dropping or rough handling. Wireless option makes these systems portable, giving them super speed. Additional technical features include Auto-tracking, Table Side Operation, Automatic stitching, Advanced radar anti-collision system, and X-ray tube synchronized tracking to the detector

Choose WDM’s Low-cost, Low-maintenance, Innovative, and Sensational DR Retrofit Option to Upgrade & Amplify Revenues!

At WDM, we solve problems regarding radiography systems at a competitive price. You can upgrade your imaging equipment from the average functioning CR based X-Ray system or film system to DR system by WDM’s Retrofit Technology.

Save Big Bucks on QA Certified Technology

Low Maintenance Cost, Mammoth Profits

Save More Live

Highly Cost-Effective System

Save Serious Money

You can Save Serious Money by integrating our Retrofit technology with your existing bucky table, X-Ray generator, and bucky stand. Still sitting on the fence! Request a quote!

A black background with a leaf, representing the ZSR Event.


A yellow and black logo with the words 100% satisfaction for ZSR Event

You can choose DR Retrofit for less initial invesment

  • DescrIption

  • Image Acquisition
  • ViewingViewing
  • InterpretingInterpreting
  • PrintingPrinting
  • Image storageImage storage
  • InstallationInstallation
  • InvestmentInvestment
  • Maintenance costMaintenance cost
  • Position settingPosition setting
  • StitchingStitching
  • Flat Panel DetectorFlat Panel Detector
  • Five- axis electric controlFive- axis electric control
  • Auto-tracking functionAuto-tracking function
  • Table Side OperateTable Side Operate
  • Automatic stitching featureAutomatic stitching feature
  • Advanced radar anti-collision systemAdvanced radar anti-collision system
  • X-ray tube synchronized tracking to the detectorX-ray tube synchronized tracking to the detector
  • Fully Digital Radiography

  • AED
  • ViewingView the image from computer at site or other locations
  • InterpretingInterpret from computer
  • PrintingImage is printable
  • Image storagePACS or Cloud
  • InstallationTotal new setup
  • InvestmentHigher Initial Investment
  • Maintenance costHigh
  • Position settingManual / Auto
  • StitchingManual / Auto
  • Flat Panel DetectorRequires to be protected from dropping or rough handling
  • Five- axis electric controlAvailable
  • Auto-tracking functionAvailable
  • Table Side OperateAvailable
  • Automatic stitching featureAvailable
  • Advanced radar anti-collision systemAvailable
  • X-ray tube synchronized tracking to the detectorAvailable
  • DR Retrofit

  • AED
  • ViewingView the image from computer at site or other locations
  • InterpretingInterpret from computer
  • PrintingImage is printable
  • Image storagePACS or Cloud
  • InstallationCan be upgraded from existing x-ray system.
  • InvestmentLow initial investment
  • Maintenance costLow
  • Position settingManual
  • StitchingManual
  • Flat Panel DetectorRequires to be protected from dropping or rough handling
  • Five- axis electric controlNot Available
  • Auto-tracking functionNot Available
  • Table Side OperateNot Available
  • Automatic stitching featureNot Available
  • Advanced radar anti-collision systemNot Available
  • X-ray tube synchronized tracking to the detectorNot Available
A ZSR gold badge with the words best quality guaranteed.
picture of best choice badge for zsr circumcision
The high quality ZSR badge on a black background at the PP event.
A ZSR gold badge with the words best quality guaranteed.
picture of best choice badge for zsr circumcision
The high quality ZSR badge on a black background at the PP event.

WDM Product Highlights And Advantages

Exclusive patent technology - InvaRay

Advanced Digital Imaging Processing Software Platform

APR: Anatomic Program Radiography

-Body shapes: 5 choices
-Positions: 30 choices
-Radiographic modes: 4 choices

Table Side Operate

-Body shapes: 5 choices
-Exposure Parameter set
-Parallel communication with workstation
Last Image Display

Automatic Image Stitching (Optional)

-Whole spine Radiography program

Benefit Feature

Integrated operation user interface for control of the whole system including mechanical system, exposure parameters, image acquisition & processing and reporting, greatly improves workflow. DAP optional

Fully Automatic


Faster, Easier, Safer

Safer protection system

To protect the patient from moving machine radar detecting system and infrared switch is installed. The safety of the machine is guaranteed.

High acquisition speed

The process of acquisition is completed in seconds in acquisition mode if you double click on your mouse.

Fast position switch

To switch to a standing position from a lying position only 10 seconds is needed.

Five- axis electric control

Mostly important clinical positions for examination is pre-set, so radiologists feel easy in operation and can switch position just by one click. New positions can also be installed manually.

Auto-tracking function

Position time remarkably reduced by dosage parameters, FPD detector, and X-Ray tube has auto-tracking and automatic adjustment of “collimator radiation field”. Position can be changed simply by “one push-button” on the control panel.


A yellow and black logo with the words 100% satisfaction for ZSR Event
Profile picture for WDM Radiology.



Digital Radiography is an advanced form of x-ray inspection which produces a digital radiographic image instantly on a computer. It uses x-ray sensitive plates to capture data during object examination, which is immediately transferred to a computer without the use of an intermediate cassette and reader.

Digital Radiography uses flat panel detectors based on direct or indirect conversion of X-rays to charge, which is then processed to produce a digital image. Computed Radiography use photo-stimulated luminescence screens to capture the X-ray image, instead of traditional X-ray film. CR cassette goes into a reader to convert the data into a digital image.

Digital Radiography offers many advantages including:

  1. Shorter exposure times resulting in a decrease in radiation exposure
  2. Lower overall cost due to no chemical processing and no multiple storage options needed.
  3. Use of analysis tool and defect recognition software
  4. Improve detail detectability which produce high image quality
  1. Workflow
  2. Durability
  3. Image Quality

CR systems are fairly reliable, but their mechanical systems are very sensitive to contamination especially in a veterinary practice.

The most common and costly item to replace is the PSP plate that the CR system uses to capture the x-ray flux. These plates have a short or limited lifespan and are especially sensitive to contamination from animal hair, meaning their lifespan is even shorter for veterinarians. Replacement plates cost roughly $1,000 to $5,000 each depending on the size and model. CR systems also rely on a plate reader that moves a scanning laser across the PSP plate. Precision is very important to accurate image collection and clogging of the reader is a common cause for service calls.

DR systems have no moving parts other than a cooling fan, which rarely comes into contact with patient or user. DR systems do rely heavily on a computer. Like all computers, data should be backed up regularly to avoid data loss.

In general, DR systems offer greater bit of depth, digitizing the image at 14 bits (16,384 shades of grey) or more. CR is often limited to 10 bits (1,024 shades of grey).


Digital images shown on many comparisons may appear to be excellent, but the dose used to create the image should be considered. In many cases the dose is outside of normal levels. In an image quality comparison by an independent reporting service, the DR receptor had one of the lowest dose requirements in the industry. With the DR, you do not need an excessive dose to obtain a quality image.

There are two types of digital imaging systems used in intraoral radiography which is computed radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR). Digital imaging requires an x-ray unit, sensors to capture the images, computer software and hardware to view, store and transfer images, an a scanning device, if an indirect digital system.

No, a darkroom is not required if you choose to set up a Digital Radiography System in your clinics or hospitals. By using a Digital Radiography System, images can be printed by using thermal printers or laser, which will produce good quality images on specialized films without chemical processing.

It is not necessarily you need to throw away the old X-ray machine. It can be upgraded to Digital Radiography by installing a DR Retrofit system.

Yes, it allows improving the workflow as it is no longer necessary to handle the cassette. Digital Radiography requires the use of newer X-ray systems with an integrated digital detector, hence all digital images will be immediately stored and transferred to a computer without need to use of an intermediate cassette.

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is the standard protocol for the communication and management of medical imaging information. DICOM is used to store, transmit and exchange of medical images & patient data.

PACS systems (Picture archiving and communication system) are a medical imaging technology which allows management of data by electronically stores images and reports. Hence, instead of using the old method of filling, retrieving and transporting film jackets manually, PACS allows instant and convenient access to patient images and reports.

PACS use DICOM to store and transmit images. Through the DICOM protocol which is an international standard protocol for all medical data exchanges, it ensures that all medical imaging devices communicate with the application server and distribute the medical images correctly.

Outstanding combination of ergonomic design and elegant machine body, improving patient experience and improving workflow. With 50kW/80kW high performance generator, large size 17”x17” fixed, portable or wireless FPD to match with difference practice, large size LCD touch screen table-side control, intelligent imaging platform InvaRay and DICOM 3.0 fully compliant, WDM DR Series Product provides abundant configurations for choice.

No, you don’t have to be an IT expert as the software used to manage the digital images is user friendly and easy to use. However, you may need some specific training for the interpretation of X-ray images.

Beijing Wandong Medical Technology Co., Ltd as established in 1955, and has been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since 1997. Headquartering in High-Tech industrial park in Beijing, Wandong occupies an area of more than 100 000 square meters as its modern production base and R&D center, and has 30+ branches in China and a wide sales and service network in about 70 countries all over the world.

As one of the largest radiology imaging equipment manufacturers in the world, Wandong has wide range of product lines including General Radiography, Digital Radiography (DR), Digital Mammography, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. With 60 years dedication of R&D and deep understanding of clinical demands, Wandong introduces new generation of DR family products including ceiling suspended tube stand, floor mounted tube stand, u-arm structure and integrated type of table with tube stand.


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Nano Medic Care Sdn. Bhd.

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