
2021 Circumcision Pros and Cons, Different Methods and After Care

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2021 circumcision pros and cons

Let’s list out all the possibilities of circumcision’s pros and cons so you can understand the risks and benefits of circumcision in this article. Also, check out our latest ZSR Stapler Circumcision in Malaysia and how it can benefit you.

Circumcision is an ancient practice that involves clipping the excess foreskin freed from the glans (head) of the penis. Jewish cultures circumcise their males on the eighth day after birth and most believe the practice has its origins in religious rites. 

Religious circumcision is also prevalent among Muslims and Jews, accounting for up to 70% of global circumcised populations. Doctors recommend circumcision on the first or second day after birth as the procedure gets more complicated with age. 

Nonetheless, circumcision is a safe procedure with various proven benefits, when done by an expert. In the next sections, you will find information concerning circumcision pros and cons, methods, and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.


circumcision pros and cons - The Pros Of Circumcision

People choose circumcision for various reasons, ranging from religious and cultural practices to medical reasons. Let’s start analyzing circumcision pros and cons and take a look at the unique pros of circumcision:

Preventing Urinary Tract Infection

Circumcision removes the intact foreskin that requires manual retraction to clean. The skin can harbor more dirt, increasing the likelihood of urinary tract infections and kidney infections. The key merit here is the ease of cleaning a circumcised penis and all benefits that come with proper hygiene. According to studies, the likelihood of getting UTIs increases to 4 -12 times in uncircumcised males compared to those who undergo the procedure.

Phimosis is a rare condition where you are unable to retract the foreskin to expose the glans (head) of the penis. Most newborn boys can’t retract the foreskin off the head. However, four-year-old boys or older will easily retract their foreskin. 

When phimosis outlives early childhood, it can result in various complications and calls for medical circumcision procedures to remove the intact skin.

Tip Of The Penis Cancer Prevention​

Tip of the penis cancer occurs in about one in six hundred uncircumcised men. It is dangerous cancer and treatment calls for amputation of the glans. 

Penile cancer almost always occurs in uncircumcised males and unheard of in circumcised males. As such, it is widely thought that circumcision helps to prevent penile cancer.

HIV And STD Prevention​

Randomized control trials have repeatedly shown circumcision to reduce the likelihood of contracting STDs and HIV significantly. The efficacy of the procedure in preventing sexually transmitted diseases is highly debatable. 

However, the consensus is that circumcision does reduce the chances of exposure, albeit not enough to warrant a universal recommendation.

Easy Hygiene​

This is the key benefit of circumcision, for the most part, and attributed to other benefits, including STD prevention. Essentially, removing the excess foreskin will expose the penis head and sections that are harder to clean if you aren’t circumcised, as you have to retract the skin. 

The constant retraction can result in inflammation and the interior section of the foreskin also remains moist, delicate and hard to clean. After circumcision, you should be able to clean all parts with ease and remove dirt and other infectious buildup covered under the foreskin.

A graph illustrating the circumcision pros and cons presented through different colored bars.

circumcision pros and cons – stats and rates around the world
Image by archaeological society of southernflorida

circumcision pros and cons - The Cons of circumcision

Other benefits of circumcision include fitting in culturally or religiously. However, the practice does come with its set of concerns. Here are some of the cons of circumcision:

  • Pain and emotion – Circumcised newborns and males of all ages will feel pain, however short-lived. The physician may recommend anesthesia during the surgery and pain relievers for the next five to seven days required for circumcision wounds to heal. Parents may also feel emotional about subjecting their child to the decision.
  • Cultural – Many populations and cultures, including many Europeans, don’t circumcise their males. It is upon you to decide whether you want your son to look like other boys or put through circumcision.
  • Cost – If your medical insurance doesn’t cover circumcision, you’ll spend out of pocket.

Other concerns of circumcision include bleeding and wound infection, although these are rare, general concerns whenever there’s surgery and wounds. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the pros of newborn circumcision outweigh the risks, but each case is different and requires independent decision-making.

Different Methods of Circumcision

There are other factors to consider and add points to circumcision pros and cons, such as circumcision methods. There are different types of circumcision techniques used for newborns. Circumcision is recommended before the baby leaves the hospital, usually before their third day. The standard method involves protecting the penis’ tip with a particular device while the foreskin is removed. Here’s a look at the four common ways:

a) ZSR Stapler Method

The ZSR Stapler Circumcision offers a third-generation circumcision technique set to replace all second-generation methods, such as Gomco, Mogen, and Plastibell discussed below. 

Unlike the conventional practices that relied on clamps and rings, ZSR Stapler incorporates surgical principles of kinetics, anastomosis and automatic suture. 

The doctor will use a reliable machine to measure the glans and choose the right ZSR size based on the measurements. The result is a scalpel-precise circumcision cut based on accurate measurements taken by breakthrough machines.

b) The Gomco Clamp

This method involves separating the foreskin from the glans of the penis using a special probe instrument. In newborns, the head and foreskin are joined by a thin membrane probed without making incisions. 

Once separated, the doctor will fit a bell-shaped device under the foreskin but over the head of the penis. Foreskin incisions may be required to achieve this. 

The last step involves pulling the foreskin on top of the bell-shaped device, tightening the clamp to reduce blood flow to the area and cutting the foreskin with a scalpel.

c) The Mogen Clamp

This method is highly effective in reducing bleeding. Like the Gomco tool, the procedure begins with separating the penis head from the foreskin using a probe. 

Once separated, the foreskin is pulled to the front (opposite of retracting) of the glans and the skin inserted through a metal clamp with a slot. 

The clamp is held in place while the doctor removes the foreskin using a scalpel and will stay a few more minutes after the procedure to control and prevent bleeding.

d) The Plastibell Technique

This technique borrows from Gomco clamp and Mogen clamp techniques. It starts with separating the head from the foreskin using a probe. 

Next, the doctor will then place a plastic bell over the glans and under the foreskin. The doctor will also tie a suture plastic ring directly around the foreskin to cut off blood supply beyond the ring. 

A scalpel will then be used to cut the foreskin. The plastic ring will be left in place for the next 5 to 12 days and falls off on its own, just like the Umbilical cord.

A group of surgeons in scrubs and surgical caps performing circumcision surgery.

What to Expect Before Circumcision?

Circumcision surgeries aren’t as complicated as others, so it involves fewer pre-procedure preparations. If the circumcision is for a baby, you should talk to the doctor to assess the risks. 

Most baby circumcisions are done by licensed obstetricians but may also be done by a pediatrician, urologist, family practitioner, pediatric surgeon, or neonatologist. The procedure can be done for males of all ages but is less complicated for newborns. Adults may also find the pain and adjustment emotional or traumatic, so it is essential to address all fears before surgery. 

The doctor will also examine medical history to see if you have any history of bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia. If you do, the circumcision will be delayed as they find a better solution. 

If you are ready for circumcision, the doctor will discuss the potential risks and benefits to help you make an informed decision. It is also recommendable to show up clean and ready for the procedure.

Circumcision is one of the shortest surgeries and will take two to five minutes. After the procedure, the doctor will immediately apply petroleum-based ointment over the new wound and use gauze to wrap the penis so it doesn’t stick on the baby’s diaper or cloths. 

Some methods, such as the Plastibell method, don’t require dressing. In most cases, there’s minimal bleeding after the procedure, regardless of the technique chose. 

However, you should expect a bit of blood that oozes from the edges of the incision. If the circumcision is for a newborn baby, you might notice blood spots on the diaper and when you first remove the dressing. This will stop on its own within a few days. The baby may also be sore and moody during this time. Here are some tips to ensure safety after circumcision:

  • Use clean, warm water to clean and soothe the wound.
  • Avoid astringent and special bath products.
  • If poop gets to the penis, use warm, soapy water and clean gently.
  • Replace the dressing with a new one every time you change the baby diaper.
  • Use petroleum jelly each time, even after the dressing isn’t needed, to prevent rubbing, sticking and discomfort when something touches on the wound.

You should give the circumcision wound at least ten days to heal. During this time, the tip of the foreskin, where the extra was cut, might be raw or yellowish, which isn’t any reason to worry. However, you should call a doctor for the following situations:

  • Continuing bleeding or more than quarter-sized blood on the diaper
  • Presence of pus-filled blisters and other signs of an infection
  • Fever
  • Redness and swelling around the tip of the penis
  • No urination within the first 24 hours after the surgery

However, these are quite rare if you choose trusted physicians and circumcision kits. It is also essential to have the right circumcision preparation.

Why ZSR Stapler Circumcision in Malaysia is the Best Technique

Although various techniques have been used to achieve successful circumcisions, it is advisable to choose the best there is and currently, it gets no better than ZSR Stapler Circumcision Malaysia Device

The tool is the third-generation and latest male circumcision technique, offering machine reliability, precision, and ease of use. ZSR measures the precise size of the foreskin that can be removed safely and helps the doctor achieve accuracy during the process. It also involves advanced techniques and products for bleeding control and healing.

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Circumcision is a century-old practice observed by many traditions worldwide, mainly in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and North America. Before the revolutionary ZSR technique, doctors relied on Gomco, Mogen and Plastibell, preceded by the traditional knives, broken glass and sharpened stone. These methods were useful for those times. 

However, the practice has evolved tremendously, culminating into the current pinnacle that features smart 3rd generation machines and techniques. At the moment, there isn’t a better circumcision method than ZSR Stapler. 

What do you think about circumcision pros and cons? Are you more to the pros or more to the cons? Comment below and let us know! Call us today to find out more about ZSR circumcision and how it can benefit you or your little one.

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