
12 types of food to avoid after circumcision

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12 Foods to Avoid After Circumcision

food to avoid after circumcision

Read more – Things to note before circumcision.

To avoid complications after circumcision, it’s crucial to heed your doctor’s advice regarding which foods to avoid. Steering clear of harmful foods can help speed up the recovery process and keep pain and discomfort at bay. Here is a list of foods that you should avoid after circumcision and why it’s important to steer clear of them.

Pseudo Health Foods to avoid after circumcision

Pseudo-healthy foods

Some food products are marketed as health foods but carry a slew of hidden dangers. For example, a protein bar with 40 grams of sugar can be just as unhealthy as a bottle of Coca-Cola. This is because the benefits of protein are outweighed by the toxic effects of sugar.

Excessive sugar may lead to inflammation in many areas of the body, including the arteries. Inflamed arteries can place stress on the heart and other organs, raising your risk of stroke or heart failure as a result.

skin damaging food to avoid after circumcision

Skin-damaging Foods

Foods that don’t support wound healing should be avoided. Due to the nature of the operation, the skin around the circumcision area needs to grow back. Taking this into account, it’s vital to avoid foods that break down the collagen in your skin, such as agave.

Agave may be considered a “healthy” sugar substitute, but it can inhibit skin regeneration. Dairy is another risky food group that should be limited due to the inflammatory effects it has on the skin.


Junk Foods

Another food to avoid after circumcision – Junk foods are very well known to be unhealthy and avoided at any time, and it is especially important to avoid them when you are sick or recovering from surgery. Junk foods such as chips and candy don’t have any health benefits. The calories they provide are empty, containing little to no beneficial micronutrients such as Vitamin C and Iron. 

Sometimes a manufacturer adds vitamins and minerals to the food so it can be marketed as such, and hopefully lead to higher sales. But it’s important to avoid food manufacturer’s tricks and just get your vitamins and minerals from quality sources.

Highly refined foods that contain minimal fibre, vitamins, and minerals can cause constipation. Avoiding constipation is essential after a circumcision. Straining to use the bathroom will likely lead to causing damage to the circumcision area.

Highly Refined Foods

Moreover, highly refined foods that contain minimal fibre, vitamins, and minerals can cause constipation. Avoiding constipation is essential after circumcision. Straining to use the bathroom will raise your risk of causing damage to the circumcision area.

Processed Foods

Processed foods differ from junk foods in that they often resemble healthy food choices. For example, a hamburger can be a perfectly viable option depending on how it’s made. A Big Mac from McDonald’s isn’t a healthy choice because of the processed food products that it’s derived from. Additionally, despite the high calorie content of a Big Mac, it doesn’t provide adequate nutrients.

Processed foods are also known to contain high amounts of added sugar, salt, and nitrates. Consuming copious amounts of these ingredients can stunt the healing process after surgery.

As noted above, excess sugar leads to artery inflammation, and excess salt and nitrates cause similar health effects. Anything that assists in weakening artery walls should be avoided. Excess salt, common in nitrate-rich foods, also causes hypertension, which is better known as high blood pressure. Hypertension can lead to serious heart and lung problems.


Many spices are used in Eastern medicine because of their numerous health benefits. While spices can be beneficial in small doses, they might interfere with the clotting process when consumed in larger amounts. Clotting is essential to the recovery process, as it keeps you from losing excessive amounts of blood. Inhibited blood clotting can also lead to infections, which can then damage the circumcised area.

Artificially Flavored Foods

Just like added sugar can lead to inflammation and other undesired effects, you should also be sure to steer clear of artificial flavors and colors. These harmful additives disrupt your blood sugar balance, which can cause damage to your skin cells. Some examples of artificially flavored foods to avoid include fruit juices, candy, sugary cereals, gum, and certain baked goods.

Fatty Foods

Foods that are loaded with saturated fats should be avoided at all costs. These include foods with large amounts of cheese and butter, such as pizza, biscuits, cake, and full-fat yogurt. High levels of saturated fat are strongly linked to high levels of insulin growth, which can damage your skin. Instead, focus on eating foods that contain healthy sources of fat, such as salmon, walnuts, sardines, and anchovies.

White Bread

White bread tends to be highly processed, which can cause harm to your skin following circumcision. Wheat bread is a much healthier alternative, particularly whole wheat bread. Be sure to verify that the bread you buy is specified as whole wheat to ensure that it’s beneficial to your health.

Dried Foods

You might reach for dried fruit after circumcision to load up on vitamins. However, food that has been dried can be harmful to your health post-surgery. Eating dried foods can lead to constipation, which may put too much strain on the circumcised area. In addition to dried fruit, be sure to stay away from potato chips after surgery. Not only are potato chips dried, but they are also high in sodium, which may cause inflammation.



While caffeine may have anti-inflammatory effects for some people, it can trigger inflammation for others. Caffeine is known to cause a spike in cortisol, the stress hormone, which may lead to an inflammatory reaction in the body. Along with coffee, it’s also a good idea to avoid other caffeinated beverages like tea, soda, and energy drinks.

Carbonated Beverages

Many carbonated beverages are high in sodium and contain no real nutritional value. Because there are no health benefits of consuming carbonated beverages, especially after circumcision, it’s best to exclude these drinks from your post-surgery diet. Common carbonated beverages to avoid include soda, sparkling water, seltzer, tonic water, and club soda.

What to Eat After Circumcision

You now have a better understanding of which foods you should avoid eating after circumcision. However, you might be wondering which foods are safe to eat following surgery. Luckily, there are several healthy foods that you should include in your diet to speed up the recovery process and stay strong and healthy.

First, make sure you consume plenty of foods that are high in vitamin C, such as oranges and berries. These fruits aid in skin production and boost your immune system, which may help you recover more quickly after circumcision.

Loading up on fiber is also crucial. This can help stave off constipation and prevent abdominal discomfort. High-fiber foods to incorporate into your diet include whole-grain bread, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, oatmeal, and quinoa.

In addition, protein is vital to giving your body the strength it needs to achieve a full recovery. Protein can be found in a number of non-animal sources, such as beans, nuts, tofu, and other vegetarian foods. You can also opt to add protein powder to smoothies to get your protein fix in a quick and healthy way.

Learn more about our latest ZSR circumcision in Malaysia

Staying Healthy and Strong Post-Surgery

In short, it’s important to do your best to follow any advice that your doctor gives you after circumcision. Additionally, always be on the lookout for foods high in sugar, salt, and fat and keep them out of your diet. By adhering to these guidelines, you can help your body heal more quickly and prevent complications from occurring.
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