
Circumcised Men Facts

A blue and white background with the words circussed men facts.

Male circumcision is the oldest planned surgical procedure performed around the world. Parents choose to have their sons circumcised for reasons including religion, social, cultural and medical practices. Click to Read More

What to Do If You Have Balanitis

What to do if you have Balanitis.

Balanitis is an inflammation that occurs on the skin at the head of the penis (the glans). Persistent inflammation of the foreskin or prepuce in uncircumcised men goes by the name of Balanoposthitis.

Foods to Eat After Circumcision to Help Recovery

Foods to Eat After Cirrhosis for Recovery.

Like any other type of surgery, our body’s ability to heal quickly and with the best results relies on the post-operative care and diet it receives directly after an operation. Knowing what foods to eat after circumcision can help the body to reduce inflammation, maintain a healthy immune response, and heal faster while certain foods can have the opposite effect and may slow down the healing process by causing inflammation and other negative effects for the healing process.

What is Redundant Foreskin?

A blue and white background with white text.

The Redundant Foreskin is the excess amount of foreskin covering the head of a male penis completely before its erected. This skin often leads to numerous health problems, especially if the male cannot completely withdraw the foreskin from the head of the penis. Such people will require visiting a urologist for enhanced examination and treatment to prevent significant health issues.

What is Phimosis?

What is Phimosis Banner

Phimosis is a health condition in which the foreskin cannot be pulled back or retracted beyond the glans. It is most prevalent among males, both pediatric and adults. The tightening of the prepuce [foreskin] is caused by the narrowing of the preputial tissue, causing adhesion between the foreskin and the glans.

13 Circumcision Myths And Facts

A blue and white background with white text that dispels Circumcision Myths And Fact.

While circumcision of the penis is a commonly accepted practice in many geographical areas, a lot of misunderstanding still exists around the procedure and the differences between cut and uncut penises.

Fortunately, we got the facts before we went down that road, and we’re sharing them here to help new moms and moms-to-be make their own decision. Read on to explore some of the most common myths about circumcision and clarify some potentially confusing misinformation.