Fact checked by Dr. Mohd Shafiz Mohd Zaini
Due to the prevalence of this condition among females, males often overlook penile yeast infections. However, yeast infections can also affect men, and they are unpleasant.
But one may ask, what is male yeast infection? And what are the symptoms?
Yeast infections in males, called balanitis or inflammation of the penile head, are relatively frequent, especially in men who have not undergone circumcision.
This helps if you’re wondering how to prevent male yeast infection. Continue reading to find out more.
What Exactly is Male Yeast Infection?

Photo by Adrian Lange on Unsplash
Male yeast infection refers to a condition of the region surrounding the penis and testicles that is triggered by an excess of a common skin fungus. In most cases, women are the ones who suffer from vaginal yeast infection, often known as candidiasis by medical professionals.
But males aren’t immune to it, either. Yeast infection is sometimes known as candida balanitis, penile yeast infection, and balanitis thrush when they affect the throat.
Diagnosis of Yeast Infection in Men
It’s not a good idea to self-diagnose a yeast infection because many sexually transmitted diseases have similar symptoms.
Your physician will inquire about your symptoms and examine your penis for indications of balanitis. In the event that it is necessary, they might use a swab to collect a sample from the head of your penis and send it off to a lab for testing.
Can men get yeast infections?
While the prevalence of bacterial infections (candidiasis in women) is much higher among women – there may also be an increase in the prevalence of bacterial infection among males. Both male and female balanitis is caused by Candida Albicans, which occurs naturally and primarily in humid areas and mucous tissues.
It can cause skin infections in the flora or skin. In men, yeast infection is caused by fungal growth on the penis. Because balanitis often occurs in sex contact between affected sexual organs, many confuse it with sexually transmitted diseases. However, this infection does not only spread during sexual encounters.
How do I get rid of a male yeast infection quickly?

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If you treat the infection promptly and it reacts favorably to antifungal therapy, you can cure it within 7 to 14 days.
Also, you should remember that treatment for yeast infection in both partners is crucial if you want sexual activity to continue uninterrupted.
If you have recurring yeast infections and have eliminated potential reasons such as poor cleanliness and sexual contact, you should consult a physician about other possible triggers. You may be suffering from an underlying illness, such as diabetes.
Effective at-home treatments for male yeast infections
You can treat your yeast infection at home by:
Cleaning and drying your penis thoroughly after urination by gently pulling back the foreskin
Taking control of your diabetes, if you do have it
Those who are morbidly obese should lose weight.
Avoiding soaps and other irritant-causing soaps
While a doctor’s diagnosis is always preferable, if you think you have a yeast infection, a topical cream like Lotrimin can often help.
However, prescription-strength creams or tablets can assist with more severe infections.
Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
Typically, candida infections are accompanied by a fleet of severe symptoms caused by the fungi Candida. Candida albicans is the most widespread of all these candida species. Candida can invade the bloodstream but can usually be controlled through the immune system.
Dr. Suneet Singh of CareHive Health in Austin, Texas, explains that the most typical symptoms of a yeast infection in men include red skin irritation that is usually itchy. When located in the wrinkles of the groin, the medical name is tinea cruris, but it is generally referred to as “jock itch.”
Some of these symptoms include:
White shiny skin on the parts of the penis
Penis has moist patches of skin
Possible white thick substance noticeable in skin folds
Male yeast infection risk factors and causes
Typically, yeast infections are just overgrowths of Candida bacteria and can sometimes be attributed to weakened immunologic function. The previously mentioned symptoms are more prevalent with uncircumcised males because the skin’s outer surfaces provide ideal and damp environments.
Some significant risk causes for penile yeast infection include-
Poor personal hygiene
Unprotected sex
Infected sexual partner
Impaired immune system
Irritable soap and skin products
Wet clothing/ tight-fitting under
How Circumcision Influences Male Yeast Infection
Balanitis is more common in males who have not had circumcision because it is easier for germs to get trapped underneath the foreskin of uncircumcised men. This is why, after engaging in sexual activity, it’s recommended to carefully peel back the foreskin and rinse it with warm water.
Specimens were collected from the penis’s coronal sulcus and meatus from 66 circumcised and 69 uncircumcised men. Different rates of yeast isolation were observed in uncircumcised men (17%) and circumcised men (14%). Furthermore, males who had circumcision showed drastically reduced symptoms (P = 0.00058).
When should I see a doctor?
You should consult your medical practitioner when the condition is severe. In such cases, self-treatment is not advised because the underlying problem may be diabetes under-activity, thyroid disease, HIV, peridium cancer, or other conditions.
Doctor Recommendations
Your physician may recommend the following:
Use an over-the-counter antifungal lotion or have your doctor prescribe one to treat the infection.
Hydrocortisone or other steroid creams
An oral antibiotic called fluconazole
Also, your primary health provider might recommend adult male circumcision if you consistently experience yeast infections and aren’t already circumcised, especially if your foreskin is quite tight (a condition known as phimosis).

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash
The following are some tips to prevent yeast infection in males-
Obesity significantly increases the risk of yeast infection. Thus, reducing your weight can be an effective means of male yeast infection prevention.
Using condoms during sexual activity.
Maintaining basic hygiene, like keeping your house, clothes, and bedding clean.
Keeping your penis and foreskin clean and dry.
Avoiding irritating soaps and deodorant, and wearing breathable clothing that keeps your groin dry.
The Dangers of a Yeast Infection in Men
The fungus can enter the bloodstream in people with weakened immune systems. Invasive candidiasis is the medical term for this dangerous condition. Although it is uncommon, the probabilities increase if you are:
HIV positive
Undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Require dialysis
Using immunosuppressive medicines (drugs meant to suppress your immune system)
Employing a central venous catheter (a tube in the chest used to administer medication).
Signs that your yeast infection has spread are positive if you are experiencing a high temperature, shivers, an upset tummy, and migraines. If you develop these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
The Bottom Line
Vaginal yeast infections are much more common than penile yeast infections, yet a penile yeast infection is still possible. They can occur due to poor personal hygiene or sexual contact with someone with this infection in the vaginal area and without a condom.
Small white spots, skin redness, and itching or burning are signs of this condition, and it might produce more severe illnesses if left untreated.
Again, avoid unprotected intercourse with women who have this infection. Additionally, be sure to wash your genitals frequently. Even if you don’t have access to a shower after working out, you should still bring cleansing wipes along to keep your skin clean and prevent bacteria from growing. Another helpful hint is to give your training clothing a good wash before using it again.
Topical antifungal ointments and lotions can usually treat yeast infections in men while lowering the risk of long-term consequences.
- Nano Medic Care